
Grants received (PI). Peer reviewed.
 Grant Duration
Grant of the OPO Stiftung “Treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations with neurofeedback” for 30 % Physician  2013-2016  CHF 118’000
Grants received (co). Peer reviewed.
 Grant Duration
 Grant of the Swiss National Foundation (320030_146789 / 1)  “Therapeutic response and neurobiological prediction markers in auditory verbal hallucinations”  2013-2016  CHF 499’375
 Grant of the Swiss National Foundation (3200B0-112578) „Neurobiological mechanisms of auditory verbal hallucinations  2006-2009  CHF 281'825
 Grant of the Swiss National Foundation (320000-108146/1) “Effects of mental strategies on visuo-motor exploration and neuronal activity in visuo-spatial task solving – a multi-methodological appraoch“  2005-2007  CHF 260’000
 Grant of the „Stiftung für Klinische Neuro-Psychiatrische Forschung“, Bern, Switzerland „Special neuropathological features of verbal auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia – a study combining white matter fiber tracking and spectroscopy“  2004-2006  CHF 67'240
 Grant of the „DeBreul-Stiftung“, Lichtenstein „Dyskonnektivität zwischen sprachrelatierten Hirnregionen bei schizophrenen Patienten mit verbalen akustischen Halluzinationen“  2004  CHF 50‘000
 Grant of the Swiss National Foundation (3200B0-100823) „Pathophysiology of psychopathology: Formal thought disorder measured by combined fMRI and EEG” 2003-2005  CHF 146'760
Other grants received (PI).
 Grant Duration
 Grant of the Poristes Stiftung for the project “Gruppe Stimmenhören”  2013  CHF 5’000
 Grant of the CCLM Bern “Treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations with neurofeedback” for a PhD student  2013-2016  CHF 163’000
Innovation fonds of the Gesundheits- und Fürsorgedirektion Bern for clinical TMS treatment.
 Grant Duration
 Geld von GEF für klinische rTMS Behandlung – noch zu erhalten  2016  CHF 180'349.70
 Geld von GEF für klinische rTMS Behandlung  2015  CHF 73‘216.60